Benvenuti Registration Opens
Benvenuti is a 3-day cultural integration class for spouses!
Nov 20 2023, 8 am - 5 pm
Nov 20 2023, 8 am - 5 pm
Benvenuti is a welcome to newcomer spouses to the Italian language, foods, a new city and much more. A great opportunity to network, meet new spouses and make friends as well as enjoy learning the culture.
2023 Class Dates:
- March 22-24
- April 19-21
- May 17-19
- June 21-23
- July 19-21
- August 23-25
- September 20-22
- October 18-20
- November 15-17
- December 20-22
- Day 1: Learn the language and culture in a classroom, and program information and trip to Palladio Mall and Emisfero
- Day 2: Receive a tour of downtown Vicenza and local lunch
- Day 3: Day trip to either Verona or Padova and local lunch
Sessions usually fill on opening day of registrations so don't wait to register and miss this fantastic opportunity to experience the Italian culture!
Get updates, information and more! Follow us on Facebook.
Benvenuti is free to attend, however participants will be responsible for lunch, transportation, and entrance fees
Registration Information
Registration opens for each Benvenuti on the Friday of the previous month's class (eg. June 22 for the July 18 class).
Register in person at the front desk in ACS (Ederle, Bldg. 108).