- ACS Mission
The mission of ACS is to facilitate the commander's ability to provide comprehensive, standardized, coordinated and responsive services that support Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, and Families regardless of geographical location and to maximize technology and resources, eliminate duplication in service delivery and measure service effectiveness.
- New to the Community? / Relocation Readiness
Information & Referral Program
A comprehensive resource file provides information on both military and civilian agencies to Soldiers, family members and DA civilians. Trained personnel will assist clients to find the appropriate and available resources.
Where available, this program offers a special Host Nation Services which includes un-certified translations of host nation language correspondence and bills.
Relocation Readiness Program
Welcome to Relocation Readiness! Moving is a part of life for Soldiers, Government Civilians and their Families. The Army Community Service Relocation Readiness Program provides assistance to the Total Army Family. We are dedicated to ensuring our clients are capable of surviving and thriving through the PCS and ETS processes. We have developed this program to assist you in finding information and resources to make you more resilient and agile as you navigate your next move.
Your first stop once you are notified of a pending PCS or ETS move should be your local ACS (Family Center) where you can meet with a Relocation Readiness Program Manager who will serve as a subject matter expert in assisting you through the process.
Lending Closet
When relocating to a new installation, you can borrow basic household goods from your ACS Lending Closet. Keep in mind that item availability varies from garrison to garrison. Some of the items you may find at your location are:
- Pots and pans
- Dishes
- Kitchen appliances
*Items vary based on installation availability
For more information, call +39 0444-71-5829 (DSN: 646-5829) or +39 0444-71-5843 (DSN: 646-5843).
Adjusting to My New Country
- One-day Host Nation Orientation, when applicable, offers in-processing Military Personnel orientation on the local culture, language, transportation and free tour downtown Vicenza.
- Three-day cultural integration class “Benvenuti” offers Spouses and Civilians orientation on the local culture, transportation, free Language workshop, and free tour of Vicenza and surroundings.
- English as a Second Language course (ESL), see the drop down sections at the bottom of this page.
- Italian as a Second Language course (ISL), see the drop down sections at the bottom of this page.
Sponsorship Program
This Sponsorship Program is designed to help service members, civilian employees and family members plan their move from a duty station somewhere else in the world to their new duty station in Europe. Below are several links that can assist you during each step of your move.
Pre-Arrival: Planning your move after receipt of your assignment/orders
Post-Arrival: Must-know & nice-to-know information after you get to your new duty station
- Driving In Europe
- SATO Leisure Travel Office
- Europe and Garrison MWR Websites
- Newcomers to the USAREUR Community
For more information on the above services and programs please feel free to give us a call!
- Mobilization, Deployment, and Support Stability Operations
The Mobilization, Deployment, and Stability Operations (MDSSO) helps support community readiness during deployments and emergencies. We help make sure installation programs align with unit deployment cycles, provide pre- and post-deployment support, and help unit Commanders with their Family Readiness plans and deployment support services for Service Members and their Families. We’re responsible for operating an Emergency Family Assistance Center in the case of an all-hazards event. We also act as a case manager for requests for assistance through the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS).
Some of our resources include:
- Pre- and Post-Deployment Support: Help prepare Soldiers and Families for Deployments and Reintegration by providing trainings and resources throughout the Deployment Cycle in a variety of settings.
- Family Readiness Groups: Designed to make sure Families have information you need and develop a military support group while your Soldier is deployed.
- Emergency Family Assistance: Your link to continuous support and assistance as well as authoritative and accurate information in a sensitive, timely, and effective manner.
- Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS): Ensures all Army personnel and their dependents are accounted for during emergency situations.
For more information on Mobilization, Deployment, and Support Stability Operations support in your community, contact your local Army Community Service office and ask for the Mobilization and Deployment program manager or specialist.
Other helpful links:
- Operation READY: “READY” stands for “Resources for Educating About Deployment and You.” It’s a training and information resource developed from lessons learned in the Persian Gulf War and used in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). The training covers learning about the types of military separation, planning and preparing personal documents, and completing family financial arrangements.
- Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2): Provides hands-on training and self-development tools so that members of the Army Family are better able to cope with adversity, perform better in stressful situations, and thrive in life.
For more information and assistance, please contact the program manager at your garrison location.
- Want to learn about Army life and how to contribute more to the community?
Look no further! AFTB and AFAP are here for you!
Army Family Team Building (AFTB)
AFTB is a series of training modules taught through your local Army Community Service or Family Program’s office that cover topics such as basic information about the Army, personal growth skills and leadership skills. AFTB improves personal and Family preparedness which enhances overall Army readiness and helps America’s Army adapt to a changing world.
AFTB helps you to not just cope with, but enjoy the military lifestyle. Many of the courses can be applied toward resume’ and career building, self-development and leadership skills. AFTB provides the knowledge and self-confidence to take responsibility for yourself and your Family. The training is available to Soldiers, Family members of all Soldiers, Department of Defense civilians and volunteers.
The training is available to Soldiers, Family members of all Soldiers, Department of Defense civilians and volunteers.
For links, to online AFTB Courses, please visit AFWP Online.
Contact your AFTB Program Manager more information!
Army Family Action Plan (AFAP)
In addition to learning through the AFTB program, the Army Family Action Plan is your platform to voice your quality-of-life issues, ideas, or suggestions and contribute to help better your community. It’s the best way to let Army leadership know about what works, what doesn’t, and how you think problems can be resolved. We give Active and Reserve Component Soldiers, Army Civilians, Retirees, Survivors, and Family members a primary tool to help identify issues and concerns and shape your standards of living.
You can submit issues at your garrison’s Army Community Service office or to a unit Family Programs liaison. Army Family Web Portal also facilitates AFAP issues online and makes sure your concerns get the attention they deserve. The information you submit gives Army leadership insight and helps foster a satisfied, informed, and resilient Army Community.
AFAP makes a meaningful difference. Since AFAP was created in 1983, 698 issues have been submitted, resulting in 128 legislative changes, 186 Department of Defense or Army policy changes, and 210 improved programs or services.
Here’s a sample of AFAP results:
- Dedicated Special Needs Space in Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS)
- Distribution of Montgomery GI Bill benefits to dependents
- Annual Leave carryover increase from 60 to 75 days
- Extended educational benefits for Spouses
- Dental and visual insurance coverage for Federal Employees
- Medical Coverage for Activated Reserve Component Families
- Military pay table (targeted pay raises)
- Military Thrift Savings Plan
- TRICARE for Life for eligible Retirees
- Funding for Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (B.O.S.S.)
- Active Duty Enlisted Soldier Compassionate Reassignment Stabilization
- SGLI increases
- Minimum standards for Army Child Care
- In-state tuition for Military Dependents
To submit an issue or suggestion, go to your local Army Community Service office or visit Army Family Web Portal.
- In Need of Financial Assistance or Advice?
Financial Readiness Program (FRP)
Want to take charge of your finances? The Army's Financial Readiness Program (FRP) and Consumer Advocacy Services can help with comprehensive educational and counseling programs. Learn about debt, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues. Through classroom training and individual counseling, participants can learn how to save and invest money, establish savings goals, eliminate debt, and save for emergencies.
We offer:
- Financial Readiness Program (FRP). FRP provides comprehensive educational and counseling programs in personal financial readiness. The program covers indebtedness, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues. Other services offered include mandatory financial literacy, financial planning for transitioning Soldiers, financial counseling for deployed Soldiers and their Families, and the Department of Defense Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Program.
- Army Emergency Relief (AER). AER is the US Army's own nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating financial distress in the force. AER provides grants and zero-interest loans to active-duty and retired Soldiers and their Families. AER has supported over 4 million Soldiers since 1942. AER offices are conveniently located at installations around the world. Visit ArmyEmergencyRelief.org to learn more.
- Online Support and Education. Go to Financial Frontline for self-service financial literacy education and help.
Here are some other financial resources for Soldiers and their Families:
- Blended Retirement System. The Blended Retirement System (BRS) combines elements of the legacy retirement system with benefits similar to those offered in many civilian 401(k) plans. Get smart on retirement benefits with the Army Retirement Services Office and Joint Knowledge Online Training.
(Government Links)
- Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). The TSP is a federal government-sponsored retirement savings and investment plan available to both federal civilian employees and members of the uniformed services. The TSP offers the same type of savings and tax benefits that many private corporations offer their employees under 401(k) plans. The retirement income a TSP account provides will depend on working-year contributions and the earnings on those contributions. Learn more at the official Thrift Savings Plan website.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The CFPB makes markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans — whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products. The CFPB gives consumers the information they need to understand the terms of their agreements with financial companies. Learn more about the CFPB, visit the CFPB on-demand forum and tools website, or order free CFPB publications.
(Non-Government Links, No Endorsement Implied)
- Better Business Bureau (BBB) Military Line. The BBB Military Line provides free resources to our military communities in the areas of financial literacy and consumer protection through the efforts of 112 BBBs across the US. Visit the BBB Military Line to learn more.
Education Programs
AER’s Education Program is a secondary mission to help Army Families with the costs of education. The three separate scholarship programs are:
Stateside Spouse Education Assistance Program
- Applicant must be the Spouse or widow(er) of an active duty or retired Soldier and reside in the United States.
- Stateside applicants must be full time students.
- First undergraduate degrees only.
- Active-duty military personnel are not eligible.
Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependent Children.
Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program
- Applicants must be a Spouse of an active-duty Soldier assigned in Europe, Korea, Japan, or Okinawa.
- Applicants must physically reside with the Soldier at the assigned location.
- First undergraduate degrees only.
- Off post students are not eligible.
- Spouses may be part time or full-time students.
Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependent Children
• Dependent children, stepchildren, or legally adopted children of Army Soldiers on active duty, retired or deceased while in active duty or retired status.The children of Grey Area Reservists/National Guard are eligible as well.
Scholarship awards will be awarded up to half the cost of tuition. Scholarship awards are based on financial need, as evidenced by income, assets, Family size, and special circumstances.
Applications and instructions are available for all the scholarships on the AER website at www.armyemergencyrelief.org
AER Resources and Forms
Financial Readiness Appointment Check List
To ensure you have a productive appointment, the following items are needed when you check in. If you are more than 10 minutes late you will need to reschedule your appointment.
1 Hour Appointments
- Copies of all bills
- Current LES
- Spouse's earning statement (if employed)
Financial Hardship Early Return of Dependents (ERD) Memo
- Copies of all bills
- Current EOM LES
- Copy of DA 4187
Consumer Complaints
- All paperwork involving complaints (contracts, phone numbers for contract, etc.)
Projected LES
- Current LES
Car Fax
- VIN number of the vehicle
College Savings
- Current LES
Insurance (home, car, life)
- Current insurance documents
Non-Financial ERD Memo
- Copy of DA 4187 (SM can be seen by the on-call person as a walk-in if available)
Credit Appointment Check List
To ensure you have a productive appointment, the following items are needed when you check in. If you are more than 10 minutes late you will need to reschedule your appointment.
1-1/2 Hours Appointments
Credit (report, score, repair)
- Current report
- Current LES
- Copies of bills
Childcare Subsidy
- Copies of all bills
- Memo from Unit Commander requesting consideration for subsidy
- Current LES
Investment Planning
- Current LES
Current Investment Paperwork
- Thrift Savings Plan
- Current LES
- Current TSP and investment paperwork
Home Buying
- Current LES
- Current report and/or credit score
Car Buying
- Copies of bills
- Credit report
- Current LES
Security Memo
- Credit report
- Statement of Reasons from security office
- Documentation of all resolved debt issues from statement of reasons
- Current LES
Debt Liquidation
- Copies of all bills
- Credit report
- Copy of letters from debtors and phone numbers
- Current LES
** Get your free credit report from: www.annualcreditreport.com
Financial Readiness Program has aligned the newly implemented Army Financial Literacy Program IAW EXORD 140-21 to meet the annual mandatory training requirement on https://olms.armyfamilywebportal.com/ with units tracking their Soldiers’ individual certificate of completion.
Soldiers are encouraged to go on line and browse/review the handouts and videos to help get their finances in order before experiencing the 10 of the most important milestone trainings: pre-deployment, post-deployment, PCSing, marriage, divorce (if applicable), vesting in the TSP, promotion, having the first child, continuation pay, enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program, and a disabling sickness or condition (if applicable).
To ease the unit of the tracking tasking, Financial Readiness is available upon request (2 week’s advance notice) to conduct group sessions for these 10 milestone touchpoints. FRP also offers classes at the ACS Bldg. 108 on Ederle.
Helpful Links
Auto Buying
College and Student Information
- Scholarship Information
- Jump Start - Financial Smarts for Students
- Save for College
- College Navigator
Consumer Protection
- Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB)
- Federal Trade Commission
- Fair Debt Collection Act Information
- Identity Theft Information
- Fraud Information
Debt/Credit/Credit Cards
Home Buying
- VA Home Loans
- Homebuyer's Information Center
- Help with Finding a Home
- Foreclosure Resources for Consumers
- Investor Information and Education
- Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
- Mutual Fund Education Alliance
- Blended Retirement System
- Thrift Savings Plan
Pay and Benefits
Army Emergency Relief (AER)
Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private, non-profit organization established to assist Soldiers and their Family members in emergency financial situations due to no fault of their own. Financial assistance is given in the form of an interest-free loan, grant, or combination of the two. Loans are repaid by an allotment.
To apply for AER assistance, the Soldier should be seen by the Unit Commander/1SG for interview/counseling to determine if the situation can be resolved through the chain-of-command or some other source. After determining that the Soldier has a valid emergency, the unit commander would then authorize the individual to seek AER assistance. Soldiers should create an online account with AER to apply for assistance.
Services & Assistance
Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private, non-profit organization established to assist Soldiers and their Family members in emergency financial situations due to no fault of their own. Financial assistance is given in the form of an interest-free loan, grant, or combination of the two. Loans are repaid by an allotment.
To apply for AER assistance, the Soldier should be seen by the Unit Commander/1SG for interview/counseling to determine if the situation can be resolved through the chain-of-command or some other source. After determining that the Soldier has a valid emergency, the unit commander would then authorize the individual to seek AER assistance.
AER is a private nonprofit organization that provides emergency financial assistance to Soldiers and their Families. AER helps with emergency financial needs:
- Food
- Rent Utilities
- Emergency transportation & vehicle repair
- Funeral expenses
- Medical/dental expenses
- Personal needs when pay is delayed or stolen
- Other emergency financial needs.
AER partners with other military aid societies to enable local assistance for service members from the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. AER also provides scholarships toward education. AER gives spouses and dependent children of Army Soldiers great opportunities for their first undergraduate degree (some scholarships can reach $4,000 annually)! Application information can be found online at www.aerhq.org. Contact the Army Emergency Relief Program Manager.
Education Programs
AER’s Education Program is a secondary mission to help Army Families with the costs of education. The three separate scholarship programs are:
Stateside Spouse Education Assistance Program
- Applicant must be the Spouse or widow(er) of an active duty or retired Soldier and reside in the United States.
- Stateside applicants must be full time students.
- First undergraduate degrees only.
- Active duty military personnel are not eligible.
Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependent Children.
Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program
- Applicants must be a Spouse of an active duty Soldier assigned in Europe, Korea, Japan, or Okinawa.
- Applicants must physically reside with the Soldier at the assigned location.
- First undergraduate degrees only.
- Off post students are not eligible.
- Spouses may be part time or full time students.
Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependent Children
- Dependent children, stepchildren, or legally adopted children of Army Soldiers on active duty, retired or deceased while in active duty or retired status.
The children of Grey Area Reservists/National Guard are eligible as well.
Scholarship awards will be awarded up to half the cost of tuition. Scholarship awards are based on financial need, as evidenced by income, assets, Family size, and special circumstances.
Applications and instructions are available for all the scholarships on the AER website at www.aerhq.org
Resources & Forms
Below are important forms for you to download and fill out when applying for Army Emergency Relief (AER) Career Skills Program (CSP) grants.
- Informational Fact Sheet (.pdf, 246 KB)
- Policy Change Letter (.pdf, 193 KB)
- AER Form 575 (.pdf, 370 KB)
- AER Form 101 (.pdf, 548 KB)
- AER Region Memo (.pdf, 856 KB)
- Financial Readiness Program (FRP). FRP provides comprehensive educational and counseling programs in personal financial readiness. The program covers indebtedness, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues. Other services offered include mandatory financial literacy, financial planning for transitioning Soldiers, financial counseling for deployed Soldiers and their Families, and the Department of Defense Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Program.
- Employment, Volunteer, and Training Opportunities
Employment Readiness Program (ERP)
The Employment Readiness Program provides information and referral services on employment, education, training, transition, and volunteer opportunities to give Family members the competitive edge needed to secure meaningful employment. ERP offers up-to-date information on available employment opportunities, market and job trends, education, and volunteer resources to help individuals make informed decisions when seeking employment. Services offered by the ERP include classes and seminars related to employment:
- Career exploration
- Resume writing
- Interviewing techniques
- Dressing for success
- Networking
- Entrepreneurship
- Individual career assessment and counseling
Army Volunteer Corps (AVC)
The Army Volunteer Corps plays a crucial role in community involvement and development. Volunteers make a meaningful difference in the lives of Soldiers and their Families every day. Army Volunteer Corps is designed to help you find local volunteering opportunities with organizations that benefit the Army community and allows you to obtain ongoing training and advancement.
The AVC has redefined volunteering within the Army. We embrace existing volunteer programs, unite all volunteers who support Soldiers and Families, including the Active Force, National Guard and Army Reserve, and formalize the Army’s commitment to volunteerism.
No matter where people volunteer in the Army community, they usually want to contribute to Soldiers and their Family members. We recognize this common goal and want to help you find the right opportunity for you.
Volunteering helps your community and helps you as well. When you participate with AVC, you’ll:
- Gain a sense of satisfaction/achievement by meeting challenges
- Learn about the Army, our sister services, and the community
- Acquire new skills and/or expand old ones
- Obtain work experience
- Build new friendships and become a cohesive part of the community
For more information regarding employment, volunteering, or training opportunities please contact your ACS location!
- Employment Readiness - EURCivJobs
EURCivJobs is a self-service resume tool that allows hiring managers to identify talent within the European theater. It provides a more direct avenue for spouses, family members and veterans residing in the area to share their career interests. EURCivJobs does not replace traditional recruitment through USAJobs, but helps provide hiring managers with another option to fill current and future vacancies. Upload your resume today! CLICK HERE to access EURCivJobs.
- Family Advocacy Program Prevention (FAP-P)
Find out everything about the Family Advocacy Program Prevention (FAP-P). Visit our dedicated page.
- Sexual Harassment / Asault Response Prevention Program (SHARP)
The Army’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program is the Army’s integrated, proactive effort to end sexual harassment and sexual assault within our ranks. Sexual harassment and sexual assault have no place in the Army.
If you have been the victim of sexual harassment or sexual assault, you have a voice, you have options, you have rights, and we’re here to help. We have certified Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) and Victim Advocates (VAs) available 24/7 to help with reporting, support prevention, and assist with training and awareness efforts.
+39-0444-71-8540 (COMM)
314-646-8540 (DSN)
*SHARP services are confidential. Speaking with a SARC/VA does NOT mean a report must be filed*
DOD Safe Helpline
877-995-5247 (DSN)
SafeHelpline services are confidential, anonymous, and available worldwide, 24/7.
For more information about SHARP, visit www.sexualassault.army.mil.
- Family Members with Special Needs (EFMP)
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Military Families with a special needs Family member, also known as an Exceptional Family Member (EFM), often require additional help in meeting the EFM’s needs. The Army designed the EFMP to be a comprehensive, coordinated, multi-agency program that provides community support, housing, medical, educational, and personnel services to military Families with an EFM.
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program for Service Members with dependents with special needs but ACS EFMP services all those who are in need of special needs support. ACS EFMP works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, educational, medical, and personnel services to Families with special needs. Soldiers on active duty enroll in the program when they have a Family member with a physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual disorder requiring specialized services so their needs can be considered in the military personnel assignment process. For Army Soldiers, the list of conditions that require mandatory EFMP enrollment are provided in Army Regulation 608-75 Appendix B.
Family members must be screened and enrolled, if eligible, when the Soldier is on assignment instructions to an OCONUS area (including overseas assignments along with Alaska and Hawaii) for which Command Sponsorship/Family Member Travel is authorized, and the Soldier elects to serve the accompanied tour.
Soldiers are responsible for keeping their EFMP enrollment current as Exceptional Family Member (EFM) conditions change or at least every three years, whichever comes first. Educational EFMP enrollments should be updated annually. For more information on EFMP enrollments, disenrollments and updates and/or Overseas Family usarmy.usag-italy.medcom-rhc-e.list.vzhc-efmp@health.mil
Use these resources, tools, and articles to learn more about EFMP and the families it serves.
- Enrollment and Screening Information
- Basic Information (All Branches of Service)
- Army EFMP Basic Information
The (SNAP/MIAT) is a team established to ensure the most appropriate placement of children with special needs. The team meets to review any new applications for Child, Youth and School Services (CYSS) programs that indicate any possible special needs, review the needs of children already placed in the CYSS program and determine if those needs can be met. Military Members are mandated to enroll in EFMP for most of these conditions and if they are not enrolled, the EFMP Manager will contact the Service Member and suggest that an enrollment screening into EFMP be initiated.
So what is considered a special need?
Basically anything that would requires special attention from a caretaker. It can be illnesses and conditions such as allergies, asthma, attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, diabetes, autism, epilepsy, down’s syndrome, seizure disorder as well as physical challenges, learning disability, sensory impairment (hearing/vision), developmental delays, speech/language impairment, food allergies/intolerances and many more.
The team is comprised of the Exceptional Family Member Program Manager, the Army Public Health Nurse, CYSS Coordinator/CYSS Program Directors, Parent Outreach Coordinator and the Parents/Sponsors/Caregivers. Other appropriate Experts may be able to attend as augmenters if needed/requested. At the meeting the child’s needs are discussed to see if accommodations are necessary and if there are any activity restrictions. Also addressed at the meeting will be the expectations of the service to be provided by the CYSS staff, as well as educational and developmental intervention program information regarding developmental evaluations, and programs and services offered by CYSS.
The goal is to ensure that the child has the very best experience at CYSS and that staff are trained to provide the care that a particular child needs. If your child presents a special need that is new to the staff, they will receive specialized training before your child is entrusted to their care. This training will be in addition to their periodic training that addresses special needs topics that all School Age Care staff receive.
Army EFMP Respite Care
Currently, USAG-Italy EFMP does not have a Respite Care program. To check if USAG-Italy’s Respite Care Program status has changed, please email USAG-Italy ACS EFMP.
- Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)
Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)
Our Fallen Warriors have paid the ultimate sacrifice. The Army has a commitment to their Families. Families deserve our respect, gratitude and the very best we can provide.
Survivor Outreach Services is a “one” Army program. Regardless of your loved one’s Army component, duty status, location, or manner of death, Survivor Outreach Services Support Coordinators and Financial Counselors are here to provide dedicated outreach and support when, and for as long as you desire.
SOS offers support through:
Benefits Coordinators. No one is ever fully prepared to lose a loved one, which is why we have Benefits Coordinators. Benefit Coordinators are located at the Casualty Assistance Center and are there to assist and guide you as you make the many decisions necessary following the death of a Soldier. Benefits Coordinators help identify your specific benefits and entitlements and ensure you receive what is legally yours. They assist you in completing paperwork and navigating the various agencies Survivors encounter. Benefits Coordinators remain current on changes in the law and have a wealth of information available to support you during this very difficult time.
Financial Counselors. In times of emotional distress, figuring out what to do about finances can create a heavy burden. Survivor Outreach Services Financial Counselors provide professional financial information and services in areas such as investing, estate planning, tax issues and basic budgeting. Our Financial Counselors will be there when you need them, for as long as you need them. They are committed to assisting you in creating your financial security and ensuring you receives the necessary information to make sound financial decisions.
Support Coordinators. The Survivor Outreach Services Support Coordinator provides long term support to you and is your link to the Army Family for as long as your desire. Wondering what direction to go in now? Your local Support Coordinator is happy to sit down with you as you journey through this transition by providing direct services as well as information, referrals and recommendations. They can also connect you with support groups, bereavement and financial counselors, as well as help you request copies of documents obtain answers to questions and direct you to additional Survivor resources.
For more information contact your local SOS Support Liaison!
In 1947, Congress* approved the use of the Gold Star Lapel Button as a way to recognize the families of service members who lose their lives while engaged in action against an enemy of the United States. In 1977, the Army approved issue of the Lapel Button for the Next of Kin of Deceased Personnel to honor those who lose their lives while serving on active duty or while assigned in a Reserve or National Guard unit in a drill status. Issue of the button is retroactive to 29 March 1973."
These small lapel buttons, or pins, as they are commonly called, are normally presented to eligible family members prior to the military funeral service. Although they are less than an inch in size, they are packed with great meaning and emotion. They are not awards. They are symbols of honor. Here is how you can tell them apart.
This symbol consists of a gold star on a purple background, bordered in gold and surrounded by gold laurel leaves. It is designated for eligible survivors of service members who lose their lives during any armed hostilities in which the United States is engaged, dating back to World War I. This includes service members who lose their lives while deployed in support of military operations against the enemy or during an international terrorist attack.
This symbol consists of a gold star within a circle that commemorates his or her honorable service. The gold star is also surrounded by sprigs of oak that represent the branches of the Armed Forces. It is designated for eligible survivors of service members who lose their lives while serving honorably under circumstances not defined above. This includes service members who lose their lives while assigned to a Reserve or National Guard unit in a drill status. It is authorized for issue retroactive to March 29, 1973.
Who can wear the pin?
The family members entitled to receive and wear these symbols are the widow or widower; each child, stepchild, and child through adoption; each brother, half brother, sister, and half sister; and each of the parents (this includes mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, mother through adoption, father through adoption, and foster parents in loco parentis).
I did not receive a pin, where do I get one?
If you are an eligible family member, but did not receive the lapel button to which you are entitled, you can request one through the National Archives. You can also apply for a replacement should yours ever be lost or damaged. If you would like help applying for a new or replacement Lapel Button, contact Army Survivor Outreach Services.
*The descriptions on this page are intended to provide an overview of the public law governing the distribution of Gold Star lapel buttons. To view the law in its entirety, click here.
For more information on the Gold Star and Next of Kin Lapel Buttons please visit Gold Star and Next of Kin Lapel Buttons information
For more SOS Information, please visit the links below:
- Domestic Violence Hotline
Victims in the Vicenza Military Community are not alone, help and support are available for Soldiers, civilians, employees, and their family members.
You can call our 24/7 Victim Advocate Hotline by calling +39 335-805-7867.
- Benvenuti Cultural Integration Class
Benvenuti is a three-day cultural and language integration class provided by Army Community Service (ACS). It is open to incoming spouses and civilians and will teach them the basics of the Italian language, food, a new city, and much more. It also works as a great opportunity to network, meet new friends, and learn more about the Italian culture!
The course takes place over three days:
- Day One: Classroom morning of language.
- Day Two: Tour of downtown Vicenza.
- Day Three: Day trip to a local town.
Registration opens 30 calendar days prior to class start date. To register, please visit the USAG Italy "Acuity" appointment system.
For more information, call +39 0444-71-5829 (DSN: 646-5829) or +39 0444-71-5843 (DSN: 646-5843).
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
The English as a second language class is designed for spouses (ID cardholders) of Soldiers and spouses of DoD Civilians whose native language is not English. This course will provide the speaking and listening skills needed to effectively communicate in English. It is an ongoing program with lessons running twice a week.
Registration opens 30 calendar days prior to class start date. To register, visit the USAG Italy "Acuity" appointment system.
For more information, call +39 0444-71-5829 (DSN: 646-5829) or +39 0444-71-5843 (DSN: 646-5843).
- Italian as a Second Language (ISL)
The Italian as a second language class is designed for spouses (ID cardholders) of Soldiers and spouses of DoD Civilians. It is an 8-week program, lessons twice a week. During this class students will learn basic fundamentals of the Italian language along with useful phrases to help with daily activities.
Registration opens 30 calendar days prior to class start date. To register, please visit the USAG Italy "Acuity" appointment system.
For more information, call +39 0444-71-5829 (DSN: 646-5829) or +39 0444-71-5843 (DSN: 646-5843).
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is there individual and/or group counseling available?
Yes, Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC). As the MFLC's and their phone numbers change regularly, we recommend reaching out to the follow:
- Army Community Service (ACS) at +39 0444-71-5800 (DSN: 646-5800)
From there, ACS will transfer your call to the proper MFLC based on availability and unit.
Is there a charge for classes or services?
All of ACS services are totally free, with the exception of trips on the economy as part of our Relocation cultural integration programs.
What do you offer to help me adjust to life in Italy?
The Relocation Program offers Benvenuti, Host Nation Orientation and Teenvenuti. For more details, please see Relocation Program Manager.
What are the signs of child abuse and neglect?
Signs of child abuse and neglect include:
- Behavior changes
- Becoming more fearful or anxious
- Use of explicit sexual language or sexual behaviors inappropriate to the child’s age
- Frequent nightmares and sleepless nights
- Visible unexplained injuries such as bruises
- Burns or broken bones
- Sudden use of drugs or alcohol
- Difficulty sitting.
Any one of the above does not indicate abuse, necessarily, but are signals that that one should take notice of. For more information please talk to one of our staff in the Family Advocacy Program (FAP).
What are the signs of domestic abuse?
Signs of domestic abuse can include:
- Dominance – unchallenged control of relationship and Family
- Humiliation, name calling or shaming
- Isolation- removal of connection to outside world
- Physical or emotional threats to hurt or kill Family members or pets
- Threats of suicide
- Physical intimidation
- Unwillingness to take responsibility for inexcusable behavior.
For more details please talk to Family Advocacy Program Staff (FAP) and the Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) Program.
What services can the ACS Italian-English translator offer?
- Non-legal and non-medical documents of all kinds
- Utility bills
- Phone calls to organizations, schools, businesses
- Parent-teacher conferences via phone
- Travel information (transportation, restaurants)
- General information of non-legal nature
What services can the ACS Italian-English translator NOT offer?
Medical documents (Patient Liaison will provide translations)
Legal Documents
Official school documents and certificates
Official business documents and certificates (except for medical documents, Military One Source provides free translations for Active Duty Soldiers)
What jobs are available?
To find out local options:
- Talk to Employment Readiness Program Manager by calling +39 0444-71-5815 (DSN: 646-5815)
- Contact Civilian Personnel Office on Ederle (Bldg. 327)
- View current listings on USAJobs
What is the age limit for children and parents using the Baby Café?
The New Parent Support Program (NSPS) hosts the Baby Café for children up to 4 years of age. For details, please contact the NPSP.
Do you offer information about Space-A travel?
The Mobilization Program offers information and provides Space-A briefs once per quarter. For details please see the Mobilization/Deployment Program Manager or see this website calendar for for schedule briefings.
What can I expect to find in the Lending Closet?
The lending closet offers a variety of basic household kitchen items and and small appliances. See the "New to the Community" tab above or contact the Relocation Program Manager at +39 0444-71-5829 (DSN: 646-5829) or +39 0444-71-5843 (DSN: 646-5843).
Please note: despite being listed in the "New to the Community" tab above, the USAG Italy ACS Lending Closet does not provide prepaid phones or GPS).
Do you offer computer access?
Yes, ACS has computers available anytime the office is open.
Is there a shuttle for the airport?
The TMP office operates a daily shuttle service to and from Marco Polo Airport. Priority is given to those on PCS orders. ACS and the Ederle Inn have a copy at their front desk or you can visit the Central Processing Facility.

Free WiFi is available at Army Community Service on Caserma Ederle.
Are you a member of the Darby Military Community?
Army Community Service in the Vicenza Military Community can provide some support and assistance. To find out more, contact the phone number provided on this page.